High Technology Aikido for Children

This online web page is the complete document set of the unique, successful, and innovative approach for Aikido for Children of Kenji Ota Sensei, Goleta Aikido with Ki, Goleta (Santa Barbara), California.  You'll see amazing Aikido by children via JPEGs and Quicktimes, that you too could achieve with your children's classes.   This information is based on 35+ successful years of excellence in teaching Aikido, Judo, and Ballroom Dancing by Ken Ota to both adults and children, using a complete physical / emotional / psychological approach.

As always, no written article can truly capture the full flavor of what's available.   For more information, please take advantage of Ken Ota's open invitation to call or visit him at anytime (see the web site URL below).  He would love to share with you what he has learned so that you may enhance your own Aikido, ukemi, and ability to teach Aikido to children.

Kenji Ota Sensei
Goleta Aikido with Ki
255 Magnolia
Goleta, California 93117
(805) 967-3103

Draft article written by:

John Sing
August 25, 2001

(Note:  each of the following web pages have many Quicktime movies.   Please allow time for the movies to load.  Click here to go to the Quicktime Player download website.)

Table of Contents

What's Possible in Aikido for Children (JPEGS)
What's Possible in Aikido for Children (Quicktime 4.0 movies)

Importance of Teaching Aikido to Children
Testimonials from Aikido Children
Our Goals for Aikido Children
What's In It For You!
The Children Will Teach You Far More Than You Will Teach Them

Fundamental Philosophies and Suggestions for Effectively teaching Aikido to Children
A Suggested Agenda and Flow for Aikido Children's Class
Overall Summary of Flow, Tempo, Warm-ups, Discipline and Safety Guidelines
A word on energetic pace for Aikido Children's classes

Start with Ukemi
How to teach Ukemi to Children using Pads/Barriers/Drills
Step 1: Teaching Basic Ukemi
Step 2: Teaching High Roll Ukemi
Step 3: Teaching Advanced Ukemi
Essential Importance of Ukemi to Aikido Children's classes

Teaching Ma'ai To Children
Bringing Adults down to Kid's Size
Use Hopping, Turning, Ma'ai drills
Child Modifications to Aikido Techniques to bring out Full Effectiveness

Table of Contents Part 2

Using Backleading to Teach Aikido to Children
What is Backleading?
Photo Sequence Backleading Ikkyo
Photo Sequence Backleading Iriminage
Exploring Backleading further

Teach a Basic Set of Aikido Children techniques
The Basic 3
The Basic 6
The Basic 8
Descriptions of Backleads

Fun Aikido Technique Drills
Warm ups/Body Conditioning/Judo Drills
Fun Aikido Warm-up Drills for Children
Fun Body Warm-up Drills for Children
Fun Children Aikido Games
Fun Children Aikido Cool down Games
Being a Team Captain Develops Leaders
Warm-up Relay Race Games to teach Motivation, Teamwork, and Leadership
Handicapping System in Warm-up Relay Race Games
How to Run a Fun Warm-up Aikido Children's Relay Race
Developing a child's healthy self confidence, without ego

Belt System for Child's Motivation
Role of Adults and Senior Students
Summary:  Aikido For Children

Where to buy gymnastics Pads and Barriers

There are a large number of great Quicktime 4.0 movies on this web page.  You can click here to download a free Quicktime player from www.apple.com.


Ken Ota Sensei, Goleta (Santa Barbara), California, has a well deserved 35 year reputation for remarkable results in teaching Aikido to children due to his innovation, creativity, and overall approach.

Pictures will say more than a thousand words.  To get an idea what  is possible with Aikido with Children and why this article was written, view these introductory photographs and Quicktime Movies, showing young children doing amazing Aikido.

What's Possible in Aikido for Children (JPEGs)

Using high tech gymnastics pads - (Caitlin helping Leyla learn ukemi (148K))

Overcoming fear of high falls (Caitlin high roll over barrier (135K))

Overcoming fear of breakfalls (Neil airfall on pad JPEG (147K))

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What's Possible in Aikido for Children (Quicktime 4.0 movies)

High falls over barrier pad drill on pads Quicktime 4.0 movie (600K)

Andreas taking iriminage ukemi for kid Quicktime 4.0 movie(312K)

Caitlin nikyo Quicktime 4.0 movie (476K)

Caitlin shihonage Quicktime 4.0 movie (613K)

Young white belt doing sankyo on Andrew Quicktime 4.0 movie (347K)

Neil kotaegeshi on Brandon Quicktime 4.0 movie (708K)

Orange belt Robby doing nikyo and shihonage on Caitlin (2.9 MB)

Orange belt Robby doing kotaegeshi on Caitlin (1.6 MB)

Orange belt Robby doing sankyo on Caitlin (1.1 MB)

Basic 8 Aikido techniques performed by older kids Quicktime 4.0 movie (4.6 MB) - note hopping, ma'ai, smooth speed

12 year old Caitlin doing full randori drill (2, 3, 4 ukes) Quicktime 4.0 movie (2.6MB)

Children ukemi crossing drill Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.0 MB)

Mario started as a child, here he does 'no hands' Quicktime 4.0 movie (3.2 MB)

Joseph started as a child, here he does Judo with Hubert Quicktime 4.0 movie (2.5 MB)

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I hope you liked what you saw!  You too can accomplish this and much more with your Aikido for Children classes.  This article describes detailed, proven successful methods and suggestions from Ken Ota Sensei for increasing your fun and effectiveness in teaching Aikido to Children.  We'll discuss:

Importance of Teaching Aikido to Children

The future of all of our society, our way of life, and ultimately our planet is in the attitudes, perspectives, and abilities that we adults bestow upon each of the children in our lives. In today's incredibly fast paced world, a child's path to growing up represents vast challenges to:

Ken Ota says, "Young minds are like gelatin.  We want to put in good things before their minds firm up and harden for adulthood.  We must put good principles in their mind before that mind becomes set".  Aikido for Children offers a powerful tool to teach these life lessons to our children; this article documents technologies to give children real skill in Aikido at a young age.   Giving them an experience of Aikido blesses them with profound gifts for the future and all the people they will touch...... in ways we'll never know.

The children tell it best, click below to see what they have to say:

Testimonials from Aikido Children

Kid's Aikido Testimonial #1 (JPEG 59K)

Kid's Aikido Testimonial #2 (JPEG 62K)

You might even say the future of Aikido rests within our children;  the manner and effectiveness with which we can pass along real, effective, fun Aikido to them will have a significant effect on the way Aikido grows and is practiced in the future.

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Our Goals for Aikido Children

The vital, effective skills that we want to teach our Aikido children:  what to do BETWEEN the techniques (whether on the mat or off).  The techniques themselves are not as important as what happens in the time between the techniques, just before them, or just after them. On the mat, these between-the-technique skills are: Sound like a lot?  It can be done!  Here's some examples:

Orange belt Robby doing nikyo and shihonage on Caitlin (2.9 MB)
Orange belt Robby doing kotaegeshi on Caitlin (1.6 MB)
Orange belt Robby doing sankyo on Caitlin (1.1 MB)
12 year old Caitlin doing full randori drill (2, 3, 4 ukes) Quicktime 4.0 movie (2.6MB)

When this level of Aikido skill is attained, then at the same time, a REAL experience and skill is available in their lives for:

These Aikido experiences can become a reality for our children.  We do them a disfavor if we only give them theoretical ideas or slow speed drills that do not translate to real Aikido skill on the mat or in life.  We want our children to perform Aikido philosophy in life ...... this is what Aikido training is for.

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What's In It For You!

Teaching Aikido to children is not purely magnanimous.  Ota Sensei suggests that in order to complete your Aikido training, you must be able to powerfully transfer your Aikido skills to children.   Teaching Aikido to children  is not really about teaching Aikido techniques (although you do that and learn more than you ever dreamed possible about your own technique in the process), it is about you learning about how you appear and who you are as a person and a human being to the most honest people on the planet:  young children.

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The Children Will Teach You Far More Than You Will Teach Them

The children will be your ultimate teachers about yourself as a human being.   The children will test and prove your knowledge and effectiveness of your Aikido teaching skills and your ability to apply Aikido principles and philosophy to life.   Children are honest, they don't lie; if they like you, if they learn quickly from you.   If they don't, they don't come back.   Koichi Tohei Sensei has said, "Doing 10-man randori is not impressive if no one in your life likes you.  When everyone in your life loves you, when you create Loving Harmony everywhere in your life, when children always like you, THAT'S Aikido".

Ota Sensei says, "To complete your own Aikido training, you must give back to others.  Someone helped you when you first started.  When you start to help others, and especially children,  you yourself will then know how well you have learned the lessons that were passed on to you.   You will find infinitely pleasurable ways for further refinement."

This article is designed to help you achieve and bolster your own Aikido training as much as possible, quickly, effectively, and providing you as much pleasure as can be.

So let's get to the suggestions by Ota Sensei.

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Fundamental Philosophies and Suggestions for Effectively teaching Aikido to Children

Introduction: Fundamental Requirements of Children's Aikido classes

There are really very little differences between children and adults teaching methodology.  Adults are grown-up versions of children, and the blocks to an adult learning Aikido,  are most often simply some subtle adult version of  a child's attention and interest span.   So, teaching effective children's classes is really experimentation to see what adult-ized versions could be done in adult class.

Almost all of the innovations that Ota Sensei uses originated in his children's classes.  It is no small feat to keep 40+ children entertained, interested, learning new skills, for a 2 hour period.  What works with children, made adult-ized, can work very well for the adults.

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A Suggested Agenda and Flow for Aikido Children's Class

We do 2-hour children's classes, and our time duration is as follows (we do Judo also, so that timing is included below).  Of course, adjust as appropriate for the time you have allotted for your children's classes.
  1. Ukemi Warmup (15-20 minutes, 18% of class time)
  2. Warmup/Conditioning Relay Race Games and Drills (20-25 minutes, 21% of class time)
  3. Aikido Techniques and Aikido drills (including time for randori, older kids, etc.) (25-30 minutes, 25% of class time)
  4. Judo techniques as appropriate (25-30 minutes, 25% of class time)
  5. Cool down games:  4-corners (takes 15 minutes)  or  Back-To-Back (takes 10 minutes) (remaining 12.5% of class time)
  6. Close
Compared to adult classes, clearly there are some specifics unique to children's class.  Here's what we've found: See the following chapter below for a more complete discussion.

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Overall Suggestions for Flow, Tempo, Discipline and Safety Guidelines

Here is an summary overview of  Ken Ota's tips for Aikido Children's class.  We'll go into more detail on each topic in the chapters that follow. Adult instructors have the primary responsibility to watch for the children's safety at all times.

Always allow the children to be children.  While keeping good discipline, we must always be non-fussy and kind with their techniques.  As they grow older, they will naturally modify and refine their techniques to the proper level in beautiful ways you would never imagine.  Why?  Because their minds and their teachers told them they were doing it well at every stage of their young lives.  They learn they can always improve, but that to try and start is always met with kindness and encouragement.

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A word on energetic pace for Aikido Children's classes

Ota Sensei suggests that truly effective Aikido teaching to children cannot be attained through slow pace talking, lecture, or slow pace drills. He says, "Ki is very dynamic, you must be at realistic speeds to truly appreciate its flowing power".  So, we suggest it is important to create very entertaining classes that cater to children's shorter attention span, keep their minds and their bodies busy continuously, and in the process, do fun drills and games that teach the actual Aikido techniques.

In order to do this, Ota Sensei suggests that all Aikido for Children teaching methods must be truly dynamic and full of movement - aimed at giving the children the  experience of Aikido movement at a safe (but effectively fast) speed.   Rather than using conversation as a teaching tool (especially for younger children who do not yet have adult conversations),  we have a collection of drills to help the children experience their bodies, learn to move and use their bodies, in productive, dynamic Aikido ways.  Ota Sensei believes we are in a very real sense in the entertainment business when teaching Aikido to children, as their fastest learning will occur when the flow and tempo of the class captivates their desire via interest, wonder, and excitement.

We aim for the child Aikido student to gain true, usable skill that can be delivered at any time under pressure, with accuracy and effectiveness.  Beliefs and attitudes of life are experiences that  cannot be learned out of a book.  Today's education system should be in the business of giving life and skill experiences. After all, life itself does not teach us by lecture or in classrooms.  Life just sort of pushes our minds and bodies around through experiences. Real skill in living are best birthed in the interactions, experiences, and relationships that we can give our Aikido children through the drills, games, and methods described below.

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Start with Ukemi

We suggest starting all Kid's Aikido classes with safe, fun ukemi drills.    Ukemi warm-ups allows children to burn off excess energy and makes their young minds open and present to learning the Aikido movements and techniques that will follow in the class.

More importantly, ukemi is the major determinant on how much you can accomplish in the rest of the class, how quickly the children can progress, and how safe the class can be. Therefore, the primary skill we suggest focusing teaching children is ukemi.

In order for the children to learn this, we teach them advanced ukemi from the beginning - using warm-up and practice with ukemi on PADS.  You'll find that with pads, the kids will love it..... because we have removed fear from their minds and fear of injury from OUR minds.  Everyone is born with a fear of falling.  But, children also don't know what they "can" and "can't" do.  So, in this chapter we will give them ways that they can do it, and they do.

We spend more time teaching ukemi than many people spend teaching Aikido.  This is how important we suggest advanced ukemi is.

We always watch the children very carefully, never letting them feel fear.  The older child students ukemi acts as role model.

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How to teach Ukemi to Children using Pads/Barriers/Drills

In this chapter we will discuss teaching suggestions for Aikido Ukemi for Children: Key to our ukemi success is teaching using the pads and at a very safe but eventually high speed.  If the child practices too slowly, they will always have time to develop fear.  Rather, we lovingly coax them into having fun on the pads (safely), and the children discover they can do it dynamically.

What age to start airfalls (breakfalls)?

Why teach breakfalls (and other advanced ukemi)? The key point about teaching ukemi is always SAFETY, both on and later off the mat.  Safety is mostly in the attitude of the class and teachers, supplemented by proven safety high technology training methods adapted from gymnastics.  In summary, to achieve advanced ukemi:

The instructors are constantly saying, "when you reach the right level, then you can go do that fall".    Go step by step, we must never let the children get ahead of their own ukemi skill level!

In addition to the adult instructors teaching the ukemi, young children watch the advanced older children and learn by imitation.  The speed and skill of older children's ukemi determines the pace of the ukemi and of the class. When good ukemi skills are present, the pace is good and sufficiently fast;  then, the younger children never have a chance to pause too much.  This is important, because when children stop, they develop fear of injury they never had before).  By seeing what other older children can do in ukemi, this reverses the situation; young children don't know they "can't" do it, and instead they do learn to do it by watching and imitating.

Using the methods touched on below, we have been able to teach our children to do SEVEN different types of ukemi:

The following sections give suggestions and shows Quicktime 4.0 movies of ukemi drilling and teaching:

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Step 1: Teaching Basic Ukemi

We start by rolling on pads, assisted at every step by older children and adult instructors:

Rolls on pad drill warmup Quicktime 4.0 movie (330 K)
Senior children help juniors roll on the pads (JPEG 147K)

As necessary, the very new beginners are segmented to their own pad with their own instructor to learn the basics.  Safety is always first and never compromised in the search for energetic pace.

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Step 2: Teaching High Roll Ukemi

We then proceed to build high falls, one step at a time:

In this way students get used to being in the air; they get the expertise to start combining 'roll and slap' with height.

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Step 3: Teaching Advanced Ukemi

After basic ukemi, we specifically have drills to teach children airfalls (breakfalls), side slaps, full body, and kick-outs.

Only when the student has proven expertise in going over high barriers straight and true, only then do we slowing allow them to start doing airfalls on the pads

Airfall on pads (Neil - 146K)
Airfall drills on pads Quicktime 4.0 movie (1 MB)

Instructors very specifically monitor the progress of the students - no student is allowed to go past his or her skill level in ukemi before their time.

Learning the other six falls follows the same progression:

Senior children help juniors learn other falls pads Quicktime 4.0 movie (Caitlin helping Leyla learn kick out (612 K))
Basics of learning kickout fall Quicktime 4.0 movie (730K)
Basics of learning full-body fall Quicktime 4.0 movie (568K)

With those drills in place, we slowly work up to the following higher speed advanced ukemi drills, only as the children are ready.  You'll like what you see:

High Kickout JPEG (139K)
High Kickout drill on pad Quicktime 4.0 movie (218K)
High Full Body over pads Quicktime 4.0 movie (561K) - note the double pads
Ukemi crossing drill Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.0 MB)

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Essential Importance of Ukemi to Aikido Children's classes

Why do we advocate the teaching of these advanced ukemi?

Did you know that the #1 reason for injury for children / young people getting hurt or dying  is falling?  And of that, falling and hitting one's head?    Hitting one's head is on the playground, falling of bicycle, etc.......... ukemi skills will save children's lives. Excellent ukemi at high realistic speeds is giving the children an agility level and and survivability skill that far exceeds that of almost any other children's activity (except probably for gymnastics).

Advanced ukemi was discussed in more detail in Ken Ota interview  in Aikido Today Magazine March/April 2000.  We believe advanced ukemi to be a real requirement to create advanced Aikido rhythm and timing for effortless power.  Advanced Ukemi is an essential element to allow safely teaching Aikido skills at realistic speeds, movement, and pace;  and allows our children to experience realistic drills.

We owe it to our children to give them with an ability to perform Aikido at realistic speeds on the playground.  Otherwise, at some point the child will self-discover that his Aikido activity hasn't given him real life skills.  More importantly, at realistic speeds, children also learn realistic wisdom and maturity to use Aikido wisely, including not using it at all if necessary.   We very strongly feel we have responsibility to the children and parents to instill this level of skill.  Ukemi is the essential foundation element to achieving this.

Start class by teaching the children Excellent Ukemi.  They will just love it.

Ukemi crossing drill Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.0 MB)

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Teaching Ma'ai To Children

After ukemi, the next major essential element is to teach children proper ma'ai.

Aikido children need strong hopping, skipping, movement skills so they can maintain ma'ai against much larger and stronger ukes.  We have specific drills to teach hopping (Quicktime 4.0 movie 449K), in order that the children learn distance and ma'ai.   As their hopping skills grown, they are able to maintain ma'ai naturally, easily at all time, even at very dynamic, high speeds, see the results here: Caitlin doing shihonage on Andrew Quicktime 4.0 movie  613K.  The children then attain full effectiveness at realistic levels against adult ukes.  As you can imagine, this is a tremendous confidence boost and source of satisfaction.  Let's have a look at what's possible:

Orange belt Robby doing nikyo and shihonage on Caitlin Quicktime 4.0 movie (2.9 MB)
Orange belt Robby doing kotaegeshi on Caitlin Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.6 MB)
Orange belt Robby doing sankyo on Caitlin Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.1 MB)
Shihonage and kotaegeshi by Caitlin Quicktime 4.0 movie (2.2 MB)
Iriminage by Caitlin Quicktime 4.0 movie (895K)
Sankyo by Caitlin Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.3MB)

Ma'ai removes the need for Aikido Children to have to fuss much with the technical aspects of Aikido locks until they are much older and bigger.  Small children especially benefit from our suggested emphasis on Aikido dynamic movement with the whole body:

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Bringing Adults down to Kid's Size

Because of kid's shorter height, whenever working with children, adults or older children should come down to the younger's ones height level by doing things on your knees (it will also improve your suwariwaza!):
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Use Hopping, Turning,  and Ma'ai drills

We believe that it is fully possible for Kid's Aikido is to be effective in reality against large real life adult's size and weight.  This is not a fantasy. The key is that the children have full ability to move large distances quickly with spontaneous, powerful Aikido movement. It is this ability to keep smoothly keep ma'ai at high speed against large adult ukes that generates off balance and allows children to actually perform effective powerful technique.

The added advantage of good ma'ai is there is no need (especially with young children) to be overly fussy about the technique, what is most important with children is teaching a DYNAMIC aikido movement in which fluid, powerful ma'ai generates the power at full realistic speeds.

Hopping basics:

Turning basics (ude-furi-choyaku-undo):

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Child Modifications to Aikido Techniques to bring out Full Effectiveness

Listed below are the specific modifications to aikido techniques that specifically facilitate children (or for that matter, small nages!) to do truly effective Aikido in every way against much bigger ukes.  As you can see, hopping is a vital and essential modification and skill for most of the techniques for children:

At the level of Aikido for children,  we must not be fussy with their techniques;  we must allow the children to be children.   Proper movement, hopping, turning, and ma'ai is much more important at their young level.

As they grow older, they will naturally modify and refine their techniques to the proper level in beautiful ways you would never imagine.  Why?  Because their minds and their teachers told them at they were doing it well at every stage of their young lives from the very beginning; and armed with natural quick Aikido movement and ma'ai, they refine their own technique very easily.

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Using Backleading in to Teach Aikido to Children

Have you ever noticed how verbal explanations can never do the complete job in teaching Aikido?  Aikido is a visceral feeling in the body, and therefore, Ota Sensei suggests adopting the technique of backleading to show children (and adults) the movements that will be the foundation of their Aikido.

Why is backleading important?  Because young children, by their very nature, must learn first and foremost through their bodies (their minds have not matured yet).  (Adults basically learn through their bodies too, by the way).  Children of 6, 7, 8 years old (at the exact age that we most wish to mold them in a positive way) can't even be spoken to in  adult terms.   Yet at that young impressionable age, the attitudes that the children will carry for the rest of their lives are being created and imbedded in stone within their characters.

The challenge (and the opportunity) for us all becomes to teach them Aikido at this early age, and through Aikido, all of fundamental  philosophies of life.  All without any ability to do much talking to them.   So how do we accomplish this?

The solution is Backleading.  We can teach them everything they need to know through their bodies.

By using Backleading, children as young as 7 and 8 years old have been able to learn eight basic Aikido techniques, and to be able to apply them at realistic speeds.

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What is Backleading?

Adopted from ballroom dancing, backleading involves moving the student through the positions without talking, with the 'uke' doing the leading.  Uke (who already knows the technique well) moves the nage through the various positions.   Especially for young children who are not even yet capable of much conversation, this method teaches them Aikido techniques magically! To see what backleading looks like, watch carefully the following videos and especially the hands.  In these videos, the uke is actually leading the nage through the throw by moving nage's body through the proper positions!:

Sarah backleading kotaegeshi Quicktime 4.0 movie (384K)
Sarah backleading kotaegeshi reverse angle Quicktime 4.0 movie (363K)
Neil backleading shihonage, iriminage, kotaegeshi Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.6 MB)

Backleading is our primary teaching methodology, especially with young children.  The effect that backleading has on the overall class is magical.  Using the backleading teaching and helping ability of the more experienced students in place, dramatic increases the learning pace of the entire class organically occur.  Backleading skills in place gives you  at least ½ a class worth of instructor assistants.

We further make backleading teaching skill a requirement for belt advancement.  Students become excellent teachers of lower belts in this way, and they also learn their own techniques in powerful ways that they wouldn't otherwise.   More experienced students quickly learn that if they can't teach and backlead a technique to someone else, they themselves don't understand the technique that well.  It is also a very interesting mental exercise to figure out how each backlead could be done, communicating by placing nage's body, arms, legs, and hands in proper places, without talking.

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Photograph Sequences of Backleading - Ikkyo

Following is a sampling of what backleading ikkyo looks like, watch carefully the following pictures and especially the hands.  In these photos, the uke is actually leading the nage through the throw!:


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Photo Sequence of Backleading - Iriminage

Following is a sampling of what backleading iriminage looks like, watch carefully the following pictures and especially the hands.  In these photos, the uke is actually leading the nage through the throw!:


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Exploring Backleading further

The objectives of Backleading are:

Ota Sensei suggests that the older children students learn to backlead and teach the younger students as part of daily training.  From their very first yellow belt test, every child student in Ken Ota's school is testing not only on their Aikido but also on their backleading ability.   This translates into all students being able to help each other progress at very very fast rates, which dramatically raises the skill level of the children's class as a whole.

After Backleading is established in the older students, when introducing a new technique, the older student then simply tells the younger student:

"Let's learn this without talking, I lead you through it and you'll learn it very quickly!  Let's just do it"

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Teach a Basic Set of Aikido Children techniques

We teach children 3 different sets of techniques:

The Basic 3:

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The Basic 6:

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The Basic 8:

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Descriptions of Backleads

Describing backlead is very difficult, it is best to watch the Quicktime movies and observe how uke is leading nage through the backlead.  In a future edition of this web page we'll have much more detailed movies of each backlead. Following is a sampling of what backleading looks like, watch carefully the following video and especially the hands.  In these videos, the uke is actually leading the nage through the throw!:

Sarah backleading kotaegeshi Quicktime 4.0 movie (384K)
Sarah backleading kotaegeshi reverse angle Quicktime 4.0 movie (363K)
Neil backleading shihonage, iriminage, kotaegeshi Quicktime 4.0 movie (1.6 MB)


By backleading, young children in Ota's school learn basic 8 techniques before they are barely old enough to hold an adult conversation (a real feat!).

We recommend to really use teaching by Backleading.  It is useful, effective, and you'd be amazed at what children can learn THRU THEIR BODIES without talking at a young age!

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Fun Aikido Technique Drills

Once we have done all the above, we have a fun foundation for really being able to do Aikido techniques at a much higher level.  This  foundation allows the children to really be ready to absorb Aikido techniques, safely, quickly, and effectively.

But we don't suggest just traditional Aikido teaching at this point either!  We use older students as primary helpers to help teach, and we do a large amount of drills as a primary teaching vehicle.

Here are some of the drills we use that are very fun for the Aikido children:

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Warmups/Body Conditioning/Judo Drills

This chapter has many ideas for fun body warmup and aikido conditioning drills for children.

Fun Aikido Warmup Drills for Children

A sampling of tools and Aikido techniques using the length of the mat for children to do: We also do a fair amount of Judo:
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Fun Body Conditioning Drills for Children

A sampling of tools and conditioning exercises for children to do without moving on the mat:
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Fun Children Aikido Games

Fun Children Cool down Games to complete their children's energy

All these games give the children opportunity to interact with each other in positive way (they are going to interact with each other anyway), and gets the maximum drilling and conditioning done in the minimum amount of time.   This is the purpose of the warmup games.

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Being a Team Captain develops Leaders

We recommend to always nominate a 'Team Captain' to monitor and teach each group of 3 for your children, the older children are the ones that qualify for the honor of being the team captain.

Tell the team captains they are the role models for the younger ones, and they are responsible to help the younger children to practice safely, to learn, stay in order, and become good students.

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Fun Warmup Relay Race Games to teach Motivation, Teamwork, Leadership

Ota Sensei uses friendly, properly regulated, teach-you-about-competitive-realities-of-life warmup games in Aikido Children's classes after we finish ukemi practice.   These games serve as an excellent teaching tool for basics like rolling and hopping, and provide body conditioning for the children.  Most importantly, the warmup games burn off excess child energy so they can be present and calm enough to enjoy learning Aikido techniques.

The following benefits are derived from using warmup relay races:

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It is unfortunate that competition has a bad name in our society, especially as it pertains to children's education.  For this reason, and also because O'Sensei clearly prohibited competition in Aikido, there is significant resistance to competition in any way within Aikido.  We understand this.

However, Ota Sensei suggests that in the specific case of warmup relay race games, the spirit of healthy fair competition is usable and invaluable in teaching life lessons to children.  To maintain fairness and accomplish these objectives, we use a very specific handicapping system in the warmup relay races. This handicapping system transforms the warmup relay race games into a superior tool for teaching healthy self-confidence and independence; it teaches the children to let go of ego.

Ota Sensei believes the relay race warmup games are in no way in conflict with the concept of non-competition for Aikido, because the games are not about competing with the Aikido techniques.

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Handicapping System in Warmup Relay Race Games

Ota Sensei uses a 'handicapping system' in the warmup relay races.  They are the essential key element that makes the relay races useful by continually equalizing the teams and their chances to win.

In this way, no child's ego hurt by too much losing, nor is anyone's ego inflated by overconfidence of winning.  Children learn that the warmup games are not about who is 'stronger, faster, weaker, slower'.  Rather, they  know that if they work really hard, they all have an equal chance to win a reward.  The best team doesn't always win (in some cases, by design of the instructors).   Strong, fast children need to learn that life is like this.  Small, less coordinated children sometimes win, IF they work really hard up to the level of their ability.

This promotes a healthy self-confidence and image in all.  The small  reward  is not the prize, of course, it is the recognition that motivates the children.  These important life lessons are the real gifts that we are trying to give our children, and we're just using Aikido as a tool.    For many children, this is a experience missing from the rest of their lives in school , elsewhere on the playground, or even in competing with their brothers and sisters for attention from their parents.

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How to Run a Aikido Children's Warmup Relay Races using Handicapping System

The fundamental warmup game is a race.  Here are the steps:
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Developing a child's healthy self confidence, without ego

Ota Sensei feels all these games, including the healthy, regulated warmup games with fair competition, are vital to help the children experience and develop a healthy self confidence without ego.

Because of the handicapping systems, the relay games become a primary tool to help the child learn to compete with the child's self.  The games encourage them to be the best that they can be.... and not to be better than someone else.   When children start to learn that they are the only ones that hurt their own chances... and that each of them are the responsible ones for helping their team........... then we have given them a powerful tool to determine their own destiny!  We have given them an experience of competing and winning in a fair and honest manner.

Properly done, these warmup games are especially beneficial to young females:  helps them develop their independent spirits and be able to take care of themselves, to realize their own potential , develop their own self-confidence, to see that their gender does not in any way limit them from achieving their potential.

Children learn leadership, learn to support and interact with their teammates and their friendly competitors in a positive manner. Friendly competition, properly applied, results in children interacting with each other and highly motivating each other in natural ways that cannot be done sole by teachers.

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Belt System for Child's Motivation:

All of these principles could be adult-ized for your regular classes as appropriate.

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Role of Adults and Senior Students

Ota Sensei specifically trains adults and upper belts to be very effective as one-on-one teachers to the lower belts.  He has said many times, "if you can't teach a technique quickly, kindly, and effectively to a lower belt, then you don't know it yourself".    To facilitate that, in all classes, the senior students are charged to go find a lower belt in order to raise the overall skill of the dojo as quickly as possible.

If the technique is particularly new or difficult, sometimes Ota will have just the upper belts practice with each other so that they get the technique down and have some good practice among themselves before teaching the lower belts.  Or, after teaching the lower belts, the lower belts sit and watch the upper belts practice among themselves - very motivational for all involved and a reward, recognition, and hard practice for the upper belts.

In summary, we see the role of Aikido children teacher as follows:
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Summary: Aikido for Children

Aikido for Children, specifically highly tuned through advanced high technology methodology and innovative drilling behind it, is a beautiful tool to teach life skills to children.  Children properly taught and highly motivated at this young age will naturally develop great Aikido at the same time.

We owe it to our children to not only give them Aikido philosophy, but also the true Aikido ability to be able to appropriately, wisely,  and powerfully use Aikido for real on the playground or in real life danger situations if they ever need to.

Some of the ideas in this article may seem quite a bit out of the ordinary.  However, we suggest that the world our children are growing up in has radically changed, but education and teaching methods haven't necessarily changed with it.  Therefore, as parents or as role models, we need to be open to new and bold, effective ideas.   In over 35 years of teaching, Ken Ota's methods have graduated over 30,000 students.  We offer those ideas and methods here for your enjoyment and use.

Aikido is a powerful tool for all of us is to develop the ATTITUDE of self-confidence with kindness, power with gentleness, speed with grace.  To give to our children the ability to see, learn, and do Aikido in both spirit and relationship will be a gift for their lifetimes.

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For more information,  please take advantage of Ota's invitation to call or visit him at anytime.  He would love to share with you what he has learned so that you may enhance your own Aikido, ukemi, and ability to teach Aikido to children:

Kenji Ota Sensei
Goleta Aikido with Ki
255 Magnolia
Goleta, California 93117
(805) 967-3103

From all of us in Goleta Aikido with Ki (JPEG 109K), Thank You for visiting this article.

(Ken Ota is seated in the front row on the left, with his wife Miye to his left).

Article written by:

John Sing
August 25, 2001

Where to buy gymnastics Pads and Barriers

You can get the kind of gymnastics landing pads and jumping barriers that we use from:

American Athletic, Inc. - Mats
American Athletic, Inc. - 'Action Shapes'